Abstract Algebra (3rd Edition)

Quick Informations
Where to buy it: Wiley
Authors: David S. Dummit and Richard M. Foote
Release date: July 14, 2003
Language: English
Personal Progress: I currently read the first three chapters.
There are many many exercises in this book, more than any other book I've read. In the first chapters, most of them are either computational, or very easy (in my opinion) which makes the feeling of solving the exercises different from the other books. I don't know if the level of difficulty will be higher in the following chapters, but for the moment this is the feeling that I have. Even tho the exercises are simple, they really helped me getting familiar with the usual examples such as the Dihedral groups, the Symmetric groups or simply the integers modulo n. In (classical) Analysis, we are already familiar with the main concepts of derivatives, integrals and functions through calculus. However, in Abstract Algebra, most of the main structures that serve as examples and motivations are new which makes these kind of exercises really helpful. I posted in the Textbook Solutions section of this website my current solutions to the exercises in the first chapters of the book.
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