Samy Lahlou Kamal




Textbook Solutions

Why posting Textbook Solutions ?

It seems that posting the solutions to some textbook problems may not be the best idea, since it will benefit students who don't want to spend too much time on a homework. However, I strongly believe that such solutions will mostly benefit students who have solved an exercise but still want to learn more by looking at different ways of approaching the problem. This relies on the fact that my solutions are in no way absolute; these are my personal solutions, and it is important to keep in mind that solutions to a problem are not unique. Again, I truly believe that the best way to benefit from these solutions is to first solve the problem and then look at the solutions.

Yoshi MIRA

Measure, Integration & Real Analysis - Sheldon Axler

Abstract Algebra (3rd Edition) - Dummit & Foote

Linear Algebra Done Right (4th Edition) - Sheldon Axler

Representation Theory of Finite Groups - Benjamin Steinberg