Samy Lahlou Kamal




Textbook Solutions

Samy Lahlou

About Me

I am an undergraduate student in the Faculty of Science at McGill University since 2022. I study Mathematics (Honors) and Computer Science (Minor). I have been passionate about mathematics for a few years now, and this passion has only grown more important with time.

About this Website

My goal with this website is to share my work related to Mathematics. In the Papers Section, you can find the papers I have written for personal interests or for course projects. In the Readings Section, you can find my personal reviews of the math-related books that I have read and enjoyed the most. Finally, in the Textbook Solutions Section, you can find my personal solutions to math-textbook exercises.
I am really grateful to Zhaoshen Zhai and Louis Meunier for inspiring me to create this website. I am also very grateful to Nisrine Sqalli for helping me throughout the entire process of creation of this website.

Research Interests

For the moment, I am still learning the basics but I am really interested in focusing more on problems in Analytic Number Theory in the future. Beside Number Theory, I really liked learning about Set Theory, Model Theory and Computability Theory and I hope to go deeper into these subjects in the near future.

Other Informations